File This Under ‘Weird Pandemic Effects’: Decreased Incidence Of Lightning
“If lightning is the anger of the gods, then the gods are concerned mostly about trees.”
- Lao Tzu
Yup, since the pandemic began, it appears that trees are safer. Thanks to the lockdowns, there is less lightning to strike them.
A study presented at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) analyzed atmospheric factors that may have contributed to lightning reductions of 10-20%.
It seems that atmospheric aerosols produced by burning fossil fuels were reduced because of pandemic lockdowns. Particles in these aerosols enhance the collection of water vapor, which causes clouds to form. And the more these particles absorb water they also reduce rain and, therefore, the creation of small ice crystals that collide in the clouds and build electrostatic charges that create lightning. So, fewer aerosol particles, less bumping and rubbing, less static and fewer zaps.
I have previously noted other weird effects of the pandemic such as farmed fish being too large for restaurant plates, rattle snakes in plane landing gears, and a dearth of ketchup and mustard condiment packages to go along with less lightning. What crazy thing will happen next—the Cincinnati Bengals win a playoff game?
Oh….wait a minute……..
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